HORSE SENSEStraight from the horse's mouth...
What is horse sense?People use the phrase "horse sense" interchangeably with "common sense", but in the human world, common sense isn't all that common, is it? In the equine world, on the other hand, common "horse sense" rules. Animals in general view each other and the world in a very practical way. I need food, shelter, safety. Is another creature a friend or a foe? Should I lead or should I follow? They answer questions like that through careful observation, prudent decisions and timely actions.
I've known Mary Lainhart for 20 years, and I'm here to tell you that she isn't just good with animals and in tune with her horses. She's also a careful observer, and she calls it like she sees it. When something needs to be done or said, she does or says it. Simple, huh? Well, not really. She is, after all, "only human." Please join us on the HORSE SENSE page each month as Mary takes a look at the world around us and shares her "horse sense" with Wild Heart Mustangs™ readers. Jean McMillan, Assistant Editor |
Congratulations to Sharon Foster our February winner for joining our mailing list! Sharon has a great Wild Heart Mustangs™ gift on its way to her!
Our readership of continues to grow! Thank you! Let’s keep sharing Wild Heart Mustangs™ with friends, family, associates and keep spreading the word to more people. Our March Issue is very special with personal testimonies from Veterans Wilfred Sanchez and Larrison Manygoats and their experiences with the Mustang Mentor Program sponsored by the Mustang Heritage Foundation. Madison Shambaugh shares her insight on training in her article The Diamond Within. Laura Scott Dawson presents her second in the three part series of Mustangs vs. Domestics with A Look Inside the Equine Mind. In our March Issue we meet Samantha Szesciorka who will take on her 1,000 plus mile ride on the Nevada Discovery Trail with her Mustang Sage, in an effort to raise awareness about Mustang adoption. We will be following Samantha over the upcoming months as she prepares for this epic journey and she will be reporting back with stories from the trail. This month we have our first coloring contest in L’il Buckaroos with the theme of Easter. In the Trainer Tips we begin our spotlight of the trainers who will be attending the Mustang Family Reunion Ride in June. Just a final reminder … April 1st is the deadline to register for this amazing event! Let's not forget Homesteading for great salmon recipes this month from Jean McMillan and her husband Mr. Parker; learning about Heritage Breed; life on the homestead, and using essential oils correctly to benefit our animals and ourselves. I cannot express how much we would love to hear from our readers! Every page offers an opportunity to ask questions, share with us, or make a dedication. I hope you do! All the best, Mary Lainhart |
ON A PERSONAL NOTE...Communication is a peculiar thing for people. I think it may be one of the most difficult civilized facets to master. Most of us never do master it. It remains elusive…just within reach and then slips away, where we forget about it until it rears its ugly head in the form of an argument or disagreement because tension has built up from either being misunderstood, not being listened to or just plain lack of it altogether. Funny, animals never have these problems. It makes me wonder if we, as a species, put way too much stock in it to begin with – as far as spoken and written communication. Sure we need it to get our point across, to express our thoughts and emotions, to give direction or advice. But somewhere with people getting all caught up in it…they forget the basic and most important premise….empathy, feeling, being “real” and listening with your heart.
I think in this day and age it is a good time to get back to basics. To step back, clear the slate and begin to watch, listen and learn from nature and the animals that surround us. It did our ancestors a world of good to follow these three simple steps. It helped them survive, to be respectful to mother earth and our 4-legged, winged, and finned brothers and sisters. It helped them to work together and build on each other’s strengths and pick each other up when they faltered. Max was the "best man" at our wedding. He knew us better than we knew ourselves...without a word ever being spoken.
Jenny, my "maid of honor" at our wedding. Supportive, caring, all-knowing...without a word ever being spoken.
If actions speak louder than words....maybe we should be more aware about what we are saying with them.
If a picture is worth a thousand words....
then why don't we just use pictures? Nowadays, I am tired of hearing about being “politically correct” or worrying about offending people over silly things. If you are upset about seeing a sign on the road that says “Men Working” – I think you have too much time on your hands that could be used to do something positive and productive. Let’s stop labeling everything and just get back to work.
My horses and mules get along just fine. Probably because they don’t stand around all day labelling each other. They eat together, drink together, sleep together, play together. They live harmoniously …oh yeah… and they barely ever speak a word. Sure they have a pecking order and they irritate each other once in a while, but they get over it and move on. Ever notice that sometimes the more people speak, the less they are heard? It’s like white noise. But when a person of few words, like Russel Sexton, says something – it is meaningful. It is meaningful because he says what is “real”. My Mammer was like that…I am proud to say I am too. Buck says I have no “social buffers”. I don’t apologize for that. I am who I am and I am proud of that. Why? Because I try to be respectful, speak the truth and believe in a higher power greater than myself. Communication can be many things…speaking, listening, hearing, physical gestures, a “look”, words, symbols, feelings, acts. Maybe we should quiet our minds, open our hearts and REALLY learn how to communicate once again. |