HORSE SENSEStraight from the horse's mouth...
January/February 2017
Angel, our BLM adopted mustang from Carter Resevoir, CA
What is horse sense?
People use the phrase "horse sense" interchangeably with "common sense", but in the human world, common sense isn't all that common, is it? In the equine world, on the other hand, common "horse sense" rules. Animals in general view each other and the world in a very practical way. I need food, shelter, safety. Is another creature a friend or a foe? Should I lead or should I follow? They answer questions like that through careful observation, prudent decisions and timely actions.
I've known Mary Lainhart for 20 years, and I'm here to tell you that she isn't just good with animals and in tune with her horses. She's also a careful observer, and she calls it like she sees it. When something needs to be done or said, she does or says it. Simple, huh? Well, not really. She is, after all, "only human." Please join us on the HORSE SENSE page each month as Mary takes a look at the world around us and shares her "horse sense" with Wild Heart Mustangs™ readers. Jean McMillan, Assistant Editor |
The January/February 2017 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR
I have high expectations that this second year of Wild Heart Mustangs™ will be even more wonderful than our first year! This upcoming year we will continue to raise awareness and educate people about the wild horses in America and the need for adoptions from BLM holding facilities. We also want to bring you more information and stories about burros/donkeys and mules, so they can be recognized for the wonderful, special equines that they are. We will have more new contributing writers this year, sharing about a wider variety of topics, for both your equine and yourself. Again, let’s not forget our veterans… any programs or information we can share with them to help them with returning to civilian life, coping with PTSD, TBI, anxiety or depression, please send the information along to me at [email protected] so we can get the word out to those who need it most. Don't forget, Wild Heart Mustangs™ is always looking for readers to share photos of their loved mustangs, burros/donkeys and mules. We are always willing to share information about your shows, events, clinics and other equine happenings in our Calendar of Events. Dedications to veterans are always welcome and encouraged. I am thrilled about sharing this journey in 2017 with our readers! Please help spread the word about Wild Heart Mustangs™ either by passing a issue along in an email, sharing it on your FaceBook page, talking about it at your barn or shows you are attending. I am hopeful that we will gain more readers, share more resources, educate more people and develop a bigger respect for mustangs, burros/donkeys and mules. All the best, Mary Lainhart |
This time of year is a good time for thinking. I find my mind wandering constantly on a wide variety of topics while I am shoveling snow, chipping ice out of buckets, shoveling mounds of manure, putting out hay.... you get the picture. While daily chores seem to occupy more time, and depending on the weather can occupy a full day, the pace seems slower. Maybe it is because I have on a ridiculous amount of layers to stay warm, and I just physically cannot move any faster. But I think it is more that I am focused on the now. I am not planning every minute of my day, because I just may need all day to get out of the house and get chores done. While I am cleaning stalls, I take a moment to bury my face in my horse's muzzle to warm my nose, or tuck my hands up under their long thick manes to warm my fingers. I wrap myself around their shoulders and necks to get as big a hug as I possibly can. I spend more time talking to them all and watching them as I wait for their water tanks to fill. I find myself at the end of the day, not thinking of the snow that will be waiting tomorrow, or the chores that need to be done, but rather on the overwhelming wonderful feeling I have in my soul for having had taken the time to share with them, and to slow down and actually feel each of them for the magnificent beings they are. |
We love to hear from our readers! Wild Heart Mustangs™ is a community endeavor, meant for people who want to share their experiences, stories, dedications. You don't have to be an expert or writer or equine professional. We're here for you, your equines your homestead, your family. Please write in and share about your mustang, burro, donkey or mule. Ask questions; make suggestions; make a dedication to veteran to thank them for their service to our country. Share a place that you love to trail ride. Let us know if there is something you love about the e-zine or something you would like see or know more about. And it's easy! << Just click on the envelope and write whatever you want us to know. |