What's new? It's Springtime in North America - Everything's New!
On this month's HORSE SENSE page, you'll find an essay by Mary Lainhart about spring cleaning, reminding us that spring is a good time to clean more than your closets. Let fresh air and sunshine into your life!
Wild Heart Mustangs™ promotes awareness, education and respect for wild mustangs and their cousins: donkeys and mules.
Horses, especially wild mustangs, donkeys, burros, and mules. Chickens, pigs, and leafy green things. We love them all. The Wild Heart Mustangs™ e-zine provides the information, tools and resources needed to make the most of your relationships with wild mustangs and the other animals you love.
FEATURE ARTICLEWhy are we so drawn to Mustangs?
by Mary Miller Jordan I love all horses, I always have and always will, but there is something about a wild mustang that is different. I find myself drawn to them in a way that is hard to describe. I have 7 mustang partners and each of them is as different as one could imagine. One gentled up like a...
While the way a mustang looks and thinks is interesting to many people, ultimately they want to know: how trainable is a wild horse? Can it really ever be domesticated and made part of our lives - as a pet, a service animal, a sporting team member, a reliable leisure time partner?
Currently, there are an estimated 47 thousand wild horses and burros in BLM holding facilities, according to BLM estimates March 2015. Also, according to those estimates, there are approximately 26,715 wild horses and burros roaming free in HMA’s (Herd Management Areas), the largest...
Heroes and Horses is a unique program that uses the remote wilderness and the horse/human connection to challenge and inspire personal growth in veterans suffering from mental and physical scars...
READ MORE TRAILRIDING6 Tips for Long Distance Riding
by Samantha Szesciorka As she and her mustang, Sage, prepare for the 2nd Nevada Discovery Ride, Samantha Szesciorka shares 6 tips for aspiring Long Distance Riders to prepare safely for challenges on the trail.
READ MORE WE'VE GOT A CALENDAR OF EVENTS and much more: trail rides nation wide, shows, performances, and lots of lists with contact information...
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