What's new this DECEMBER?
On this month's HORSE SENSE page, Mary A. Lainhart explains that the Personal Note this month is simple….surround yourself with all you love and what makes you happy.
Be thankful for family, friends, health, our animals – the most important things in our lives that we sometimes take for granted... |
Wild Heart Mustangs™ e-zine will have bimonthly issues in 2017! Our first anniversary issue will be January/February 2017 and will be available on January 15th. This marks Wild Heart Mustangs™ one year milestone! Issues following will be March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December - each available on the fifteenth (15th) of the month (March, May, July, September, November). Wild Heart Mustangs™ will continue to bring you quality articles, information and stories focusing on mustangs, donkeys/burros, and mules. Each of our departments: Vet Talk, Trainer's Tips, Homesteading, Riding Freedom's Trail, L'il Buckaroos and our Calendar of Events and Resources will remain unchanged.
Reader Contributions are always welcome and encouraged. Share a photo of your mustang, mule or donkey. Make a dedication to a veteran and thank them for their service. Have an idea for something new? We would love to hear from you. Have an event you want added to the Calendar of Events? Go to the CONTACT page and share your pictures, dedications, thoughts, and events.
Want to advertise your business, product or an event? Get more information about advertising by clicking on our Media Kit.
Reader Contributions are always welcome and encouraged. Share a photo of your mustang, mule or donkey. Make a dedication to a veteran and thank them for their service. Have an idea for something new? We would love to hear from you. Have an event you want added to the Calendar of Events? Go to the CONTACT page and share your pictures, dedications, thoughts, and events.
Want to advertise your business, product or an event? Get more information about advertising by clicking on our Media Kit.
Horses, especially wild Mustangs, donkeys, burros, and mules. Chickens, cows, and leafy green things... We love them all. The Wild Heart Mustangs™ e-zine provides the information, tools and resources needed to make the most of your relationships with wild mustangs and the other animals you love, and in harmony with nature.
Wild Heart Mustangs™ promotes awareness, education and respect for wild mustangs and their cousins: donkeys and mules.
Featured on this month's cover is Sweet Potato the Lainhart's rescued mule. December marks the beginning of his new life at the Buck 'n' Mule Farm. Read more about Sweet Potato beginning in the February 2016 Issue of Wild Heart Mustangs™. Follow his journey in the April, May and June 2016 Issues.
FEATURE ARTICLEIn the past several years, Wild Burros have become a nuisance in communities in Oregon, Nevada, California, Utah, and Arizona. As their populations have increased and their graze-able rangeland has decreased, hunger has driven these animals to begin digging through trash cans and rooting around people’s homes, looking for food...
RIDING FREEDOM'S TRAILFinally Home Farm is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to healing our mentally wounded warriors through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP). We are supported by the Greene County Career Center, using their Agricultural Research Center equine facility for private therapy sessions, year round, indoors or outdoors. We also serve police, fire and paramedic personnel who have suffered mental trauma on the streets. Our mission bring our heroes HOME in mind, spirit and body.
READ MORE CALENDAR OF EVENTSWe've got a calendar of events, and much more: trail rides nationwide, shows, performances, and lots of lists with contact information...
SEE OUR CALENDAR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIESHave you thought about advertising in the Wild Heart Mustangs™ e-zine? We have good news! Wild Heart Mustangs™ now offers advertising opportunities. For a media kit visit here.