We would like to invite you to Meet the Mustang, June 10-11, at the beautiful Carr's Horse & Burro Center in Cross Plains, Tenn. Learn about America's wild horses through training and care demonstrations featuring Madison Shambaugh, Dr. Ric Redden, DVM and many more! Mustangs will be onsite and available for adoption.
Learn more at http://www.mustangheritagefoundation.org/media/pdf/Public%20Schedule%20-%20FINAL%20.pdf http://www.carrranch.com/ |

Extreme Mustang Makeover – Nevada
June 18-19, 2016
Reno Rodeo – Reno-Sparks Livestock Event Center
1350 N Wells Ave, Reno, NV 89512
The Extreme Mustang Makeover is returning to the Reno Rodeo in 2016! Adult trainers will compete in this wild horse training event for a chance to earn a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals to win their share of $25,000, while being featured in the “Wildest, Richest Rodeo in the West!” Youth division not offered at this event.
June 18-19, 2016
Reno Rodeo – Reno-Sparks Livestock Event Center
1350 N Wells Ave, Reno, NV 89512
The Extreme Mustang Makeover is returning to the Reno Rodeo in 2016! Adult trainers will compete in this wild horse training event for a chance to earn a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals to win their share of $25,000, while being featured in the “Wildest, Richest Rodeo in the West!” Youth division not offered at this event.

Extreme Mustang Makeover – Missouri
July 14-16, 2016
Missouri State Fairgrounds
2503 W. 16th – Sedalia, Missouri 65301
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will travel to Missouri in the summer of 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, can compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event.
July 14-16, 2016
Missouri State Fairgrounds
2503 W. 16th – Sedalia, Missouri 65301
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will travel to Missouri in the summer of 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, can compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event.

Extreme Mustang Makeover – Idaho
July 29-30, 2016
Ford Idaho Horse Park – Nampa, ID
16200 Idaho Center Blvd, Nampa, ID 83687
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will return to Nampa in 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, can compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event.
July 29-30, 2016
Ford Idaho Horse Park – Nampa, ID
16200 Idaho Center Blvd, Nampa, ID 83687
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will return to Nampa in 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, can compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top-10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event.
Extreme Mustang Makeover – Massachusetts
August 5-6, 2016 Topsfield Fair Facility 207 Boston St – Topsfield, MA 01983 The Extreme Mustang Makeover is returning to Massachusetts in the summer of 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, can compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top 10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event. |

Extreme Mustang Makeover – Virginia
August 25-27, 2016
Virginia Horse Center
487 Maury River Road, Lexington, VA 24450
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will travel to Virginia in the summer of 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, will compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top 10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event by competitive bid. Bureau of Land Management representatives will be on site to approve interested adopters.
August 25-27, 2016
Virginia Horse Center
487 Maury River Road, Lexington, VA 24450
The Extreme Mustang Makeover will travel to Virginia in the summer of 2016! This wild horse training competition will offer two divisions: Youth, ages 8-17, will compete with a mustang they adopt in-hand and adults, ages 18 and over, will ride their assigned mustang in preliminary classes to compete for a spot in the top 10 freestyle finals. This event will award $25,000 in cash and prizes. All adult mustangs will be available for adoption after the event by competitive bid. Bureau of Land Management representatives will be on site to approve interested adopters.

Extreme Mustang Makeover – Texas
September 15-17, 2016
Will Rogers Equestrian Center – Fort Worth, TX
3401 W Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Join us in Fort Worth for the annual wild horse training event, the Extreme Mustang Makeover! Horsemen and women will showcase the skills of wild Mustangs they have trained and gentled for 100 days! All adult competing Mustangs will be available for adoption Saturday, as well as a nice selection of untrained Mustangs throughout the weekend. 2016 event info coming soon!
September 15-17, 2016
Will Rogers Equestrian Center – Fort Worth, TX
3401 W Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107
Join us in Fort Worth for the annual wild horse training event, the Extreme Mustang Makeover! Horsemen and women will showcase the skills of wild Mustangs they have trained and gentled for 100 days! All adult competing Mustangs will be available for adoption Saturday, as well as a nice selection of untrained Mustangs throughout the weekend. 2016 event info coming soon!
Mustang, Mule and Donkey Events
June 3 - 5, 2016:
Carolina Mule Association Trail Ride, Troy, NC phone 336.643.4028 June 3 - 5, 2016: Madison Shambaugh 3 Day Horsemanship Clinic, Herndon, VA http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/#!virginia-clinic/dnvxw June 10 - 11, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Mustang Heritage Foundation's Meet the Mustangs, Cross Plains, TN June 10 - 12, 2016: Montana Mule Days, Hamilton, MT www.MontanaMuleDays.com June 11 - 12, 2016: NASMA's Zone 5 Midwest Trail Ride/Silent Auction, Seymour, IN phone 620.341.0714 or email [email protected] June 12, 2016: Madison Shambaugh 1 Day Horsemanship Clinic, Bunceton, MO http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/#!mo-clinic/r7mcr June 15 - 19, 2016: Jake Clark's Mule Days, Ralston, WY phone 307.754.4320 or www.saddlemule.com June 17-18, 2016: 18th Annual Utah Wild Horse & Burro Festival, Legacy Events Center, 151 South 1100 West, Farmington, UT http://www.blm.gov/ut/st/en/prog/wild_horse_and_burro/utah_wild_horse__.html June 17-19, 2016: Carolina Mule Association Trail Ride, South Mills River, NC phone 828.817.0502 June 18, 2016: 3rd Annual PFI Mule Jump, Springfield, MO Registration: Les Clancy 417.343.9412; contact PFI at 417.889.2668 or toll free 1.800.222.4734 www.pfiwestern.com June 19 - 25, 2016: Mustang Family All Breed Reunion Ride, Golden Hills Ranch & Resort, Raymondville, MO Must register in advance: [email protected] OR fax (979) 542-5269 OR snail mail-P.O. Box 794 Lexington, TX 78947 OR even by phone (512) 809-5250. http://mustangfamilyreunionride.com/ June 25, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Mustang Heritage Foundation's Meet the Mustangs, Norwood, CO June 30 - July 02, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship/Confidence Building Clinic, Bangor, MI 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html June 30 - July 08, 2016: 59th Annual WNC Wagon Train, TN to NC phone 770.354.1552 or email [email protected] July 01 - July 02, 2016: Horse Progress Days, Howe, IN www.horseprogressdays.com July 01 - July 03, 2016: Big Sky Draft Horse Expo/Draft Mule Show, Deer Lodge, MT phone 406.490.1305 or email [email protected] July 07 - July 09, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship Clinic, Rapid City, SD 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html July 07 - July 09, 2016: Great Celebration Mule & Donkey Show, Shelbyville, TN phone 931.684.5915 ext. 106 or email [email protected] www.twhnc.com July 13 - 17, 2016: Carolina Mule Association Board Meeting & Trail Ride, Grayson Highland, VA phone 336.349.4723 July 14 - July 16, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship Clinic, Gunnison, CO 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html July 16 - 17, 2016: Madison Shambaugh 2 Day Liberty Clinic, Colville, WA http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ July 27 - August 01, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Horsemanship Clinics, Fernie, BC Canada http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ July 28 - July 30, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship Clinic, Columbia Falls, MT 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html August 6 - 7, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Liberty Clinic, Colton, OR http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ August 11 - 12, 2016: Missouri State Fair Mule/Donkey Shows, Sedalia, MO phone 1.800.422.3247 www.mostatefair.com August 11 - 13, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship Clinic, Steamboat Springs, CO 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html August 11 - 14, 2016: Mary Miller Jordan B ME Discovery Moonlight Retreat - All Inclusive equine healing retreat (Bring your horse or come alone), Boys and Girls Home Lake Waccamaw, NC http://www.marymillerjordan.com/teaching.htm August 12 - 13, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Colt Starting Challenge, Mt. Hood, OR http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ August 12 - 14, 2016: Carolina Mule Association Trail Ride, phone 828.208.0147 August 18 - 20, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship/Confidence Building Clinic, Grand Junction, CO 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html August 20 - 21, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Liberty Clinic, Casper, WY http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ August 25 - 27, 2016: Mary Miller Jordan Extreme Mustang Makeover: Mustang Demo, Lexington, NC http://www.marymillerjordan.com/schedule.htm August 25 - 27, 2016: Ty & Skye Evans Mulemanship/Confidence Building Clinic, Langley, WA 801.598.7465 www.tsmules.com/clinics.html August 26 - 27, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Colt Starting Challenge, Gillette, WY http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ September 2 - 3, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Colt Starting Challenge, Durango, CO http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ September 10, 2016: Mary Miller Jordan, LOPE Show www.GoLOPE.com September 15 - 17, 2016: Madison Shambaugh Extreme Mustang Makeover: Mustang Liberty Demo, Forth Worth, TX http://www.madisonshambaugh.com/ |