This month in L'il Buckaroos we are doing something a little different. We are going to talk about bullying.
The article written this month is by a 12-year old who talks about bullying in her own words. She knows a lot about bullying to write this article, because she gets bullied. She is very brave to share her thoughts and experiences. It is important to remember, that if you get are NOT alone. Tell an adult or someone you trust. No one deserves to be treated in bad way. No one should make you feel bad about who you are. Like snowflakes, each person is unique; no two are exactly the same. Each person is special and has their own wonderful talents and gifts. Be happy with who you are. Be proud of who you are. Don't let bullying take away the beautiful person you were meant to be.
Let's talk about bullying. Bullying has become a major problem in America; it's a problem that can happen to anyone at any moment. As a sixth grader, I've seen a lot of bullying and experienced some myself. What I see happening is kids being picked on for just being different. It could be they are in the wrong club or they're too smart, or they hang out with with the wrong friends or just have a different personality. It is no longer just the bully taking kids lunch money or putting smaller kids in lockers, children in our generation have had to deal not only with the physical aspect of a bully, but now with Social Media, bullies can do it with convenience.
Many people have been victims of Cyber Bullying, whether it be an embarrassing photo or mean Posts about someone. This allows a bully to hurt people without even facing them. Posting the wrong thing or even getting videoed doing something silly can leave you open to bullying. Bullies also, as I've experienced, will pick on someone just to be mean or to get a laugh and in my opinion, to make themselves feel better,and in some instances not even realize that they are hurting that person.
I've seen other kids get laughed at because they don't wear designer clothes or they don't have a nice home or they get dropped off at school in an older car. I have also had experience with Adult On Kid bullying at school. For example, one of my teachers embarrassed me in front of my classmates because of the way I was dressed. Just like me, many kids are scared to stand up for themselves because they think the bullying is going to get worse. It's important to tell an adult or someone you trust, if you are being bullied and if you see someone else being bullied. They can help you solve the problem and to get the bullying to stop.
I believe that bullies shouldn't be taking their problems or anger out on others, and should try to get help as well. If you or someone you know is experiencing or has experienced bullying don't keep it to yourself that will only be letting them win and don't forget you are not in this fight alone.
Everyone is different and no one should be ashamed of who they are!
If you are, or have been, a victim of bullying and want to share your story so others know they are not alone - email it to [email protected]
Bullying is not a victimless crime. One person CAN make a difference. Even if you have not been bullied, make a difference in someone's life if they are. Reach out a hand, be a friend.
Bullying is not a victimless crime. One person CAN make a difference. Even if you have not been bullied, make a difference in someone's life if they are. Reach out a hand, be a friend.
Bullying Suicide Statistics
Taken from
According to the Suicide Awareness Voices for Education suicides among 15-24 years olds is the third leading cause of death for youth. One of 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide every year. Over 16% of students seriously consider suicide, 13% create a plan, and 8 percent have made a serious attempt.
The National Alliance on Mental Health 2014 reported suicide was one of the most common psychiatric emergencies. It claims about 30,000 lives every year.
About 80% of youth that commits suicide have depressive symptoms. Peer victimization and bullying causes higher rates of suicide among youth according to the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Pediatrics 2014. Cyber bullying leads to thoughts of suicide more than traditional bullying. Many students are bullied and engage in bullying behavior.
Taken from
According to the Suicide Awareness Voices for Education suicides among 15-24 years olds is the third leading cause of death for youth. One of 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide every year. Over 16% of students seriously consider suicide, 13% create a plan, and 8 percent have made a serious attempt.
The National Alliance on Mental Health 2014 reported suicide was one of the most common psychiatric emergencies. It claims about 30,000 lives every year.
About 80% of youth that commits suicide have depressive symptoms. Peer victimization and bullying causes higher rates of suicide among youth according to the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Pediatrics 2014. Cyber bullying leads to thoughts of suicide more than traditional bullying. Many students are bullied and engage in bullying behavior.
FOR PARENTS - "The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet"